Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sweet little Emily Rose
Was tired and sought some repose
But her sister, named Claire
Put a tack on her chair
And sweet little Emily rose!

Ah, siblings. Who'd have 'em?
Your mother, that's who.
Mischievous young Claire shares the universal trait of the sibling: an amazing capacity for mindless torture.

Older siblings will inevitably forge in you the disgusting survival skill of scoffing every meal in three mouthfuls. Did they ever ask "Are you gonna eat that?" before grabbing your chicken drumstick?! Sadly it means you can never go to a Michelin starred restaurant.
Hand-me-downs. Chinese burns. Never being the first to do something for the first time...

Younger siblings are a source of perpetual humiliation should anyone ever decide to fancy you. Baby-sitting duties. The lion's share of chores. Single-handedly breaking down the strict parenting standards your conscientious folks have erected for their first-born (Any thanks from the brats who stay out 'til midnight when you were due in at 10pm at their age?).

Still, there's consistency. In a world that doesn't stay still for very long, in fact, ever, at least they're Claire & Emily eternal...

As children we poured over Edward Lear's A Book of Nonsense, first published back in 1846, full of fabulous juicy limericks! Although I can't be certain, I believe this one, extracted from my childhood memories, is one of Edward's gems. Feel free to correct my grey matter!

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